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Wonderful show
Jim and Brian are fantastic! But I have to give them a little correction, Disney invested 10 billion dollars into EPIC GAMES, the cancelled Mandalorian game was from Electronic Arts (EA). They are the ones behind Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, the Iron Man Project, the Black Panther project and the upcoming Star Wars real time strategy game

Glad it’s back
Always like a great insider perspective and glad this pod is back in action!!!

Insightful and Interesting SW podcast!
I really enjoy this podcast. I can wait for Mandalorian Season 2! :)

Very enjoyable
This podcast hits a great sweet spot for me, being both a lifetime Star Wars and Disney fan. I appreciate Dan’s positive take on things, and Jim’s historical and insider knowledge. This is one of my favorite running companions.

Top Notch!
I'm a big Jim Hill fan since the Disney Dish podcast days. Here he's paired with Dan Z, who is a top notch star wars expert. Dan isn't just a random fan though, he teaches English and Mythology and uses Star Wars examples in his class. Since Star Wars is mythology (on top of being a great ripping yarn) is great to here his takes on things. Dan's been a proven Star Wars expert for many many years (it was fun finding his cameo in an old Star Wars Target commercial). Two hugely knowledgable pros who work well together; it's informative and it's fun. What's not to like?

Join the Lucasfun with Looking At Lucasfilm
Started listening to the Looking At Lucasfilm podcast about six months ago and haven’t missed a single episode yet, it quickly became one of our faves and one that we always wait eagerly for. Jim and Dan have a style of conversation and presentation that is extremely easy to listen to and the content is always packed with current news as well as fascinating nuggets about some of our best loved franchises. Engage in a little self care and subscribe right away, you’ll be glad you did.

Love Star Wars!
Great informative podcast!!!

Great Show
Dan is THE Star Wars expert and Jim is the theme park oracle. Getting these two together is incredible. The angle here is Lucas Film and with so much happening in that arena, if you want to keep current or get a deeper understanding of who, what, where, when and why, you need to listen to this show. Have you guys thought of doing a live show on the road?

Big fan of Looking at Lucasfilm due to their rather positive attitude, and their insight into theme park projects such as Star Wars Land

Insightful and Entertaining!
Jim Hill and Dan Z offer a podcast that looks at the past, present, and future of Lucasfilm's incredible body of work. The hosts are storytellers who talk about some of the best stories told in the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Willow, etc. universe, and also discuss theme parks, books, animation, and much more. The show is smart, funny, and entertaining! :)